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HOBART legal notice and legal information

Details pursuant to Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz [TMG]):

Name and address

Robert-Bosch-Straße 17
77656 Offenburg

How to contact HOBART

Telephone: +49 781 600-0
Fax: +49 781 600 2319

Managing Directors

Axel Beck, Silvio Koch, Manfred Kohler

Register entry

Entered in the commercial register of the Local Court of Freiburg
Register number: HRB 472047

VAT ID number

DE 812874044
WEEE-Reg.-Nr. DE 18913537

Any information and/or statements made on this website are non-binding. HOBART GmbH assumes no liability for the accuracy and completeness of content. No guarantee is given and no assurance of product features is made. The content of this website shall not give rise to any legal claims. Errors in content shall be immediately corrected upon notice of such errors. Time-delayed updates dictate that the content of this website may not be kept continuously up to date. With respect to technical details and the availability of products, please contact our Sales team. Links to other websites are not continuously monitored. As such, we assume no responsibility for the content of websites we link to.

Downloading data

HOBART GmbH assumes no liability for data and software that may be downloaded from this website being free of errors.

Copyright and other special protective rights

This content of this website is protected by copyright. A copy of the information contained on this website may be stored on a single computer for non-commercial purposes and internal personal use. Graphics, texts, logos, images, etc. may only be downloaded, duplicated, copied, modified, published, sent, transmitted or used in any other way upon approval by HOBART GmbH. Specified product and company names may be registered trademarks or brand names. Their unauthorised use may lead to claims for damages and injunctive relief.


HOBART GmbH shall not be liable for damages, in particular for direct or indirect consequential damages, loss of data, lost profits or system or production downtimes resulting from the use of this website or downloading data. This limitation of liability shall not apply in the event that the damages resulting from the use of this website or downloading data are the result of intent or gross negligence.


All texts, images, videos, audio files and other information published here are subject to copyright by HOBART GmbH. Reproduction of the same, in whole or in part, is not permitted without approval from HOBART GmbH.

Concept, design & implementation of the online presence

Columbus Interactive GmbH
Tel: +49 751 99923444


77656 Offenburg
@2022 HOBART

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This is a translation. Only the original German version is legally binding.

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